Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Well,  It's the first day of a brand new year! We have so much to be thankful for. I can't wait for August.

 I have felt great the past two days and food is now my friend again. It's so odd how when I'm sick I just want to feel better so bad, then I do and I'm scared to death something is wrong. I don't think this worrying will ever go away, I think it is going to end be being the new normal in my life!

Well we have really thought about some baby names lately.....

Girl is  Clara LeAnn S.
Boy is   Riot Paul S.

It's so funny to see friends and family all guessing what this little bug will be. Nick and I both really don't care either way just so thankful to be here in this moment and so blessed to be parents!


  1. So happy things are going well for you! I have nominated you for a Liebster award!
